We have a number of exciting projects moving forward in 2019:
First, we would like to address the latrine situation on campus as dealing with human waste in a sanitary and safe way is an ongoing challenge at KPS.
Staff Latrine – Currently, the teachers at KPS share a latrine with the students on campus. This is not an ideal situation for a number of reasons and they have been asking for the KPSF to address it for some time. We have been working with a local contractor who repaired the Yale dining hall on a quotation. The estimated cost to build a teachers’ latrine is 15.215M Tsh (approximately $6,615 USD). This would be a new structure on campus.
Repairs to Student Latrines – There are currently three latrines on campus, one for the girls (shared with the teachers), one for the boys (currently non-operational and in need of repair) and one that needs to be capped and demised because it is at the end of its life. The scope of this project is to make all necessary repairs to the boy’s latrine and demolish the oldest latrine on campus. As part of this project, we will also be running water lines from the main tank on campus to the latrines and dining hall. The cost for this project is 5.225M Tsh (approximately $2,272 USD).
Secondly, we are hoping to begin the process of repairing existing classrooms that are no longer operational. We want to make sure that we are reinvesting in the infrastructure to prolong the life of the physical assets which helps all of the current and future students at KPS.
Classroom repair – We certainly noticed during our last trip to the school that not all of the classrooms are being used. Several have fallen into an unusable state due to practical and safety concerns. The first classroom we want to address is one of the fourth grade rooms (room STD IV B). This project would include a new floor, new entry door, window replacement/repair as well as interior and exterior wall repair and paint. Basically a complete renovation very similar to the dining hall restoration project we completed in 2018. The cost of the single classroom STD IV B full repair project is 12.945M Tsh (approximately $5,628 USD).
Finally, the KPSF board is developing a program that would fund smaller projects based upon requests directly from individual teachers at the school. All teachers will be encouraged to apply for funding for projects that directly impact the students. The board will review the applications and vote to award funding based upon a predetermined evaluation process. The board set the limit the dollar limit on these teacher requested projects at $500 USD each and we will approve no more than three teacher requested projects per year. The first project that we will be funding is a request from teacher Daniel Tsekeway for 900,000 Tsh (approximately $391 USD) for instruments for the new school marching band.